I have put this lovely Kingfisher on this post just to distract you from the unsavoury part of this tale. After we had turned the boat and moored up near the facilities (the winding hole was a good 500 yds away from Napton bottom lock)
Ian went to fetch the loo. I was still on the bank waiting with the dogs and the rubbish when he appeared carrying the loo but looking a bit flustered. "We have a problem," he said. Apparently, as he pulled the loo out of the holder, quite a lot of unmentionable liquid came out with it, covering the corridor floor and filling the empty space in the cassette container. Never have I been so thankful of having a partly mended broken arm!! No way could I have got down on my hands and knees to mop it up, so with peg on the nose and plenty of disinfectant, Ian set to and cleaned it up. The seal had most definitely given up the ghost. Thankfully, we have spares!!! By the way, this kingfisher was photographed by me on the Shropshire union a couple of years ago.