No the cooker wasn't in by last night! By the time Ian had sorted out all the fiddly bits, sealing the edges of the floors and trying to work out where to cut the work top for the cooker, and then trying to put together a flat pack unit to fill in the gap left when moving the bulkhead, it was gone 9 pm. Much to late to start bringing the cooker in from the car,( although Ian wanted to carry on) I made him sit down with a glass of rum and coke and admire what he had achieved so far.
Wicker storage boxes from Ikea will fit neatly onto each shelf. |
So this morning, after Ian's usual hospital visit for his blood test, we manhandled the cooker from the boot of the car, left it lying on the floor where Jades bed usually goes, then the supports were made for the back of the worktop to fix onto. It was all going so well until a knock on the boat from a fellow boater asked if Ian would help move a boat from inside the basin to the dry dock area. It would have been a very simple task except the boat in question had no engine!! It meant bow hauling the boat to the winding hole, poling it round and then dragging it arse end into the dock. This all took a considerable amount of time and with me having to leave for Christine's to get Jade back, not a lot would be achieved until I returned later in the afternoon. Then the next job was to cut the hole for the cooker to fit into. Ian debated whether to cut the work surface outside but realised we wouldn't then be able to bring it back into the boat without the threat of snapping it. So the decision was made to cut it in situ. This would mean loads of dust being generated by using the Jigsaw . To try to minimise the amount of work I am bound to have to do after Ian has cut the piece out, I covered as much as I could in dust sheets.

The pencil marks show where the worktop will be cut out and the piece of wood screwed onto the thin bit of worktop left will hopefully stop the two bits snapping in half. |
It is now 6pm and I'm just off to get fish and chips for supper ( again!) I still have no idea if the cooker will be in tonight. Ian still has high hopes that it will but there again he said that yesterday. At the moment Jade is lying on the grass outside our boat as she has nowhere to sleep. I may have to allow her to sleep in the bedroom area for once. I'm sure she will just love that! Anyway, no doubt there will be some more to report tomorrow. Only downside is it's Ian's chemo day so he will only have the morning to do any work.