About Us

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In 1977 we hired our first narrowboat from Anglo Welsh at Market Harborough.From that moment our destiny was set. In 2006 we finally purchased our own brand new 57' narrowboat which we named 'Free Spirit'. Our aim is to travel the length and breadth of all the navigable rivers and canals of the UK. This will be our story as it unfolds.

Thursday 5 November 2009

Stafford boat club

What a fabulous place. We were made very welcome and we even had an electric hookup. It didn't cost us a penny to moor here because we belong to the AWCC but at only £8 a night I thought it good value for money.
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Loads of fish

Finally I managed to catch more then just a few fish. We had moored at Stafford boat club for a few days because Ian had to go to Nottingham to see the consultant. As I stayed with the boat and looked after the dogs, I took the opportunity to do a days fishing. These are just a few of those I caught. My best fish was a perch. Unfortunately I have no record of it as just as I was about to weigh it with a flick of his tail he jumped out of my net and back into the water. Now I am sure he would have weighed well over 3lb. He filled my landing net and it took me nigh on 15 minutes to get him in. This is not a fishy tale I promise you!!!
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Sunday 1 November 2009

Wheaton Aston

As we haven't a picture of this place Ian decided to add this to our collection. Yes its me in my silly hat!Posted by Picasa

Fallen tree

It was Sunday morning and the predicted storms had arrived. If only we could have sat it out but unfortunately we had to get the boat to Stafford boat club for us to leave it there for a few days before the place shut. I had already mentioned to Ian that I was worried about the trees coming down, when lo and behold we came across this one by bridge 92 on the Staffs and Worcester. As there was no way I would risk our paintwork and push our way through, Ian said he had just the tool for the job and proceeded on making a passage through
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As usual Ian carries everything you could possibly want on board (quite where he puts it all is a complete mystery to me and one that I don't even think to ask him), and out came the trustee tree saw and secateurs. While I maneuvered the boat so he could reach the outer most branches,. he cut and sawed till all you could see was bits of branches flying in all directions. After he had finished it was a quick phone call to BW to inform them of the situation.

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Us creeping past
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Looking back to show Ian's handywork
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Not another fallen tree!!!

On leaving Deptmore Lock we came across yet another tree down but this was just a baby compered to the other one. No work was needed for us to pass by so Ian could put his "tools" away again
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