As we walked around the lakes a considerable number of pensioners appeared. Their walking trolleys were set all in a row and it looked like they were getting ready for a race. Dennis being Dennis decided to ask them what time the race started and if he could put a bet on!
About Us

- Ian and Irene Jameison
- In 1977 we hired our first narrowboat from Anglo Welsh at Market Harborough.From that moment our destiny was set. In 2006 we finally purchased our own brand new 57' narrowboat which we named 'Free Spirit'. Our aim is to travel the length and breadth of all the navigable rivers and canals of the UK. This will be our story as it unfolds.
Monday, 28 June 2010
BBQ at Jim & Anna's

Michael playing his whistle, Dennis in the middle and Carole keeping an eye on how much beer has been drunk.

Margaret in pink, Anna next to her and opposite in the green is Jim. Raine is to the right of Jim in the light blue.

Carole and Mick turned up on their boat Electra and told us of a BBQ happening at Cassiobury Wharf. As there was moorings available for two boats, Dennis and Ian decided to move the boats while Margaret and me went about frantically putting some food together so we wouldn't arrive empty handed. Our host were Jim and Anna on there Narrow boat Elizabeth. They had been over to France with it for 4 years and came back to spend some time on the British canals. Jim was a great musician and played the ukulele and squeeze box brilliantly. He was joined by Raine who played the accordion. What a great night. Mick joined in with his whistle and was in fine voice as usual. Finally went to bed at midnight.
Saturday, 26 June 2010
Corn Crake
At our moorings in Cassiobury Park Locks there was a river running near by. Again the weather was hot so I decided to take the dogs for a swim. I took my camera thinking I would take pictures of the dogs enjoying themselves. To my horror I let go of my camera thinking I had the strap looped over my arm only to see it rolling down the slope and straight into the water. Well I fished it out and removed the memory card hoping that all the pictures on it would still be readable. I then took it to Ian with that look that said could you fix it?. He took it apart, put it in the warmest part of the boat to dry out and lo and behold the next day it worked. How lucky was that!!
This was on my camera when it fell in. I saw this bird with her chicks I wondered what it could be. Luckily as I am a TV addict Spring watch came on and the self same bird appeared on the show.
We stopped at Aspley Locks Hemel Hampstead. Very hot but as England was playing again we had to moor early to let Dennis and Margaret watch the match. Ian and I just chilled out as we were not the remotely interested in the game. We knew that England had won because the kids in the flats opposite us made that much noise I thought that world war 2 had started!! Watching this heron was far more interesting !
Wednesday, 23 June 2010
Saturday, 19 June 2010
Thursday, 17 June 2010
Pike and Carp at Marsworth
Clearing the prop

Still on the Aylesbury Arm but now heading back we moored for the night between bridges 12 & 11 and out came my rod again. I was doing very well when I noticed my float lower then normal in the water. As I went to lift it up It felt really heavy and I thought I had snagged my hook on a branch. Well imagine my surprise when out came this crayfish. Not Knowing if it was our native species or the dreaded signal crayfish, I decided to put it back. Looking on the Internet later that night I found to my horror that it was a signal and I should have killed it. It lives to tell another tale!!

Finally made it to the end on navigation. The boat club made us very welcome and we purchased our compulsory plaque and T shirts and then went to explore the town. I am very glad that we made the effort of coming all the way down. In spite of some difficulties I wouldn't have missed it for the world.
Wednesday, 16 June 2010
We are the African Queen

Just past the winding hole at bridge 9 was what looked like a small ditch. I looked around to see where the canal went only to realise that the ditch was the canal. We proceeded with caution with hopes of not getting stuck or meeting another boat. Luckily neither happened and it was just another adventure to notch up on our belt.

Tuesday, 15 June 2010
Puttenham Locks no's 10 & 11
No water

At 4. 30 am Ian fell out of bed! Well not quite because I was in the way but you get the picture. We were listing alarmingly. Doors hung open and the dogs were hanging on to their beds with claws gripping tightly to our wooden floor!! That was it then, one up all up as you might say. On walking to the lock Ian heard running water and assumed there must be a leak in the canal bed. We walked the otherway toward lock 10 and discovered 2 chaps on the boat behind us had also decided to get up and run some water down. Within 15 mins we were floating again. It was now about 5.30am so we had breakfast, another cup of tea and I went fishing. Well no point in going back to bed was there.
Aylesbury Arm
We decided to have a jaunt down the Aylesbury Arm. All single locks,16 in total, and we thought it would make a nice change. Little did we no what was in store for us. Interesting to say the least!
First 2 locks are staircase. Took us nearly 30 Min's to enter the first lock. Boats boats and more boats all waiting to come up. They obviously knew something we didn't !!!
Saturday, 12 June 2010
What a fabulous fish. They are huge on this stretch of the Grand Union. I lost two, honest. Never even got to see the whites of their eyes! 
Colin and Oscar paid us a visit. Well actually I had asked Colin to bring me some more bait but what a bonus for Oscar who had never seen a live fish before. 
I suddenly realised how difficult it is to have a lively nearly 2 year old on the boat. We fed the ducks with bread and then Oscar decided to feed them again with my glasses case. Needless to say I will never see them again!!!! and the ducks didn't much appreciate it either.
Friday, 11 June 2010
Thursday, 10 June 2010
Monday, 7 June 2010
Family at Milton Keynes

Oscar looking most bemused by Nana's Hells Angel impression.

Working hard on the conservatory

Our stay at Cosgrove was very enjoyable. Hazel the mooring warden made us welcome again. I discovered the river below the Iron Aqueduct which the dogs appreciated as the weather turned hot, hot, hot! In fact I managed to persuade Ian to go out and purchase a sun brolly which saved me from ending up like a dried prune.
As predicted we made our way to Colin and Iwona's and Ian was immediately marched to Colin's conservatory with cries of "just the person to help sort out my conservatory". At the weekend Chrissy, Kev and Joshua turned up. Great family visit until Oscar developed a stomach bug and then not wanting to keep it to himself, promptly infected Christine, Colin, Joshua and me. Ian and Kev managed to avoid the bug. Constitution of an ox, comes to mind! Anyway on Sunday afternoon I started being sick. That stayed with me all that night and into Monday and part of Tuesday. Then the dreaded runs started. Its no joke being stuck on a boat with a small but normally adequate loo. Thank goodness we had 2 cassettes!!!! Unfortunately I missed going to Nottingham hospital with Ian to find out the results of his MRI scan. When he eventually returned to the boat on that Monday evening and told me he wouldn't have to see the consultant again until October, the relieve I felt was enormous. We are free to continue on our travels YIPPEE.
Dennis and Margaret arrived back to their boat and so on Tuesday 9th we once more set of toward London safe in the knowledge that the rest of the summer was hospital free.
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Blog Archive
- As we walked around the lakes a considerable numbe...
- The Aqaudrome at Batchworth
- Rickmansworth
- BBQ at Jim & Anna's
- Corn Crake
- Heron
- Winkwell
- What Port?
- Totam Pole
- Leaving Berkhampstead
- Bottoms Up
- Tring Reservoirs
- Pike and Carp at Marsworth
- Clearing the prop
- Crayfish
- Gliders
- Aylesbury
- We are the African Queen
- Puttenham Locks no's 10 & 11
- No water
- Loads of Water
- Aylesbury Arm
- Bream
- Fish fish and more fish
- Three Locks in Soulsbury
- Milton Keynes
- Family at Milton Keynes
- Great Ouse Aqueduct, Cosgrove
- The Great Ouse Lock