I have a problem with my computer. The cooling fan has packed up and the fear of God was put into me when this message came up that if I continued to run without a fan, serious consequences would occur, like screwing up the hard drive causing system failure. Blimey....this was serious then. Straight onto the phone to computer whizz kid, #1 son. His advice was to remove the back and clean the fan first before going into panic mode and see if that helps. Just means a trip to screw fix to purchase some jewellers small screwdrivers.
To day then, we were up and away well before 8.30 am. The thought of driving that lane, plus having to find a parking space, spurned us on. It was to Malham Cove that we were heading to.
No dramas on that lane, in fact hardly another vehicle was met, not so on our return journey though, then every man and his dog was out!l There was plenty of space still available at the National Park carpark when we arrived, maybe it was because this was first dismal day we have had in ages and had put people off.
Armed with full wet weather gear, we set off in an anti-clockwise direction. The farmer at the CC site said it was a much easier route and cut out the hundred or so stone uneven steps to the top. Off course this meant they would have to be done going down, just hope my knees are up to it.
It really was a horrible, misty, murky and drizzly day.
There was still plenty of climbing to do and boy was the stone slippery. In fact, Ian nearly went bottom first in the river as his foot slid of a boulder and only just managed to save himself. Had it been me, well.......Anyway we arrived at the waterfall known as Janet Foss
Only about a third of the way along the circular route, the weather took a turn for the worse.

Fabulous walk with great views, waterfalls and wildlife pics there Irene.
As you've done extra mileage you could award yourselves a day off on Sunday maybe.
Good luck with getting your computer fixed.
Ann Makemson x
Hi Irene, I consulted the fount of all knowledge re-things ornithological (ie our son!) about the bird. He says it is a Northern Wheatear. I gather it is a summer visitor. I guess you have walked the walls of York by now (?). Have you ever come across a book called 'The Snickleways of York'? It is a fascinating read, but the main point is that it is a walk through various alleys ways, ginnels, snickets (call them what you will) around York. You may cross your path, but you never re-trace your steps. We did it years ago - it is great fun and the book has loads of really good and interesting information in it. We bought our copy in the cathedral. Jennie x
Hi Jennie, Thank your son, he is so good at identification. I tried to find out by looking at Yorkshire birds on the web but could find nothing that looked like the bird. I will amend the post.
Yes, we have walked the walls but that book eluded us. In fact, we knew nothing about it. We hope to return to York next year when more attractions are fully open and I'll make a note to get a copy. Xx
Mark is an ecologist by profession with ornithology as his specialisation, so he should always be able to help. He has been passionate about birds (of the feathered variety) since he was about 7 and he is very lucky that he has been able to earn a good living doing what he loves. The book is available on Amazon, but the prices seem to vary from quite cheap (£5.99) to very expensive (£28.99). I bought one of the former (edition 9) for some friends and compared it to our edition 4 and it seems to be much the same, just in much better nick! Jennie
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