About Us

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In 1977 we hired our first narrowboat from Anglo Welsh at Market Harborough.From that moment our destiny was set. In 2006 we finally purchased our own brand new 57' narrowboat which we named 'Free Spirit'. Our aim is to travel the length and breadth of all the navigable rivers and canals of the UK. This will be our story as it unfolds.

Friday, 15 April 2022

Hmm, bit of a drinking session!

The mist rose from the water, the sun was just starting to creep over the horizon, it was going to be a lovely day ahead, Time 5.50 am and Toffee was out for her first 'hurry ups'. Another blooming early wake up from Toffee but today I didn't mind one bit. It was quite magical outside. 

Toffee, you will never catch one!

But then Ian fired up the diesel heater. We had let the stove go out. Much too hot during the day, but a bit chilly first thing in the morning. What greeted me on the walk back was what looked to be white smoke again! Oh no, and here's me thinking the thing was fixed. I exclaimed my dismay on my return, only to be told it wasn't smoke, but steam. Loads of the stuff, enough to surround FS and a good job we were on our own! Blast the thing, now it's got to be on taken out again on our return to Langley, and given back to Steve for another go at fixing it.

The journey to Atherstone bottom lock was uneventful, and the good news was the first three locks were empty. Got to the second lock and noticed CRT volunteers walking toward us. They were there to give a hand to anyone who needed help up the flight, and a lone boater had requested that help. I only had Ian as lock work horse, this chap had two CRT guys to help, so it stood to reason that boat would catch us up. But it all worked in our favour in the end because with the last three locks needing emptying, one of the volunteers walked to get the locks ready for us.

Had a bit of an issue with low water levels, stirred up a lot of mud in the pound and FS slowed considerably but relieved not to have bottomed out.

Atherstone town moorings were empty, Never have I seen it like that, especially this being holiday season. But we found out why from one of those volunteers. The enforcement officer always turned up on a Thursday to check licences, and quite a few boaters had overstayed. Not wanting to pay for extra days, they knew how to play the game and cleared off before he arrived!


The afternoon was spent at the King's Head pub. It was here we had arranged to meet our son-in-law Kev's parents. It was only meant to be for a lunch, 12.30 pm booking but turned out to be a marathon drinking session. It was well past 5.30 pm when we left. I blame the fact that we had one of their small shed type huts, reserved just for us and the dog. On the far wall was a button that said 'press me', so we did. Not a call button that we had assumed, but a switch that fired up the electric heater. Wow, cosy and warm, no wonder we didn't want to leave! Had to take a mortgage out to pay the bill mind, but with an excellent meal and great service, well worth the money. 

Last of the flight to do tomorrow, no early start though 'cos provisions are needed and Aldi is only a short walk away.

And some photos of Toffee enjoying life with us,



Marilyn, nb Waka Huia said...

Am missing being on the boat, but getting a boating fix reading blogs.

Big hugs to you both, M&D xx

Ian and Irene Jameison said...

Hi Marilyn, One day you will be back I'm sure.

Hugs back


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