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In 1977 we hired our first narrowboat from Anglo Welsh at Market Harborough.From that moment our destiny was set. In 2006 we finally purchased our own brand new 57' narrowboat which we named 'Free Spirit'. Our aim is to travel the length and breadth of all the navigable rivers and canals of the UK. This will be our story as it unfolds.

Thursday 11 December 2014

Just another slight glitch in the great plan of things.

 Last night, and before the shower tray was put in place, out came his  tool....No no his new Erbauer multi tool (you guys Smiley ) It cut through the wood with ease and made short work of the job. Really amazing! He did use the jigsaw on the lower larger piece but as far as the multi tool is concerned he is that pleased with it and well worth the cost. I even used it to rub down some wood on the side of the kitchen unit, a job that needed doing since Ian did our galley last year. One fly in the ointment, and this is typical sods law, with me calling in to Lidl this morning a multi tool similar to the one he bought from Screwfix ( called Parkside) was on sale for nearly £30 cheaper. So if you need one grab it from Lidl while you can!

Ian then put the shower tray down and not only discovered that one of the walls wasn't square and left a bigger gap at the front then the back, but also discovered that where the waste pipe was to be fitted, a blooming great wooden support beam was in the way! The gap is not really a problem because a bit of filler should do the trick but the beam was another matter. Another one of Ian's 'I'll sleep on it' moments.

 This morning, after a bit of head scratching, mulling over the possibility of turning the tray round so the waste pipe was toward the door, he came to a decision that he could cut a hole in the beam instead. He was a bit concerned that this would weaken the floor but turns out this was the right move after all as he only needed to go part way through as the next two pictures shows.

The rest of the day Ian spent at the workshop making the wooden box to hide all the pipes. The pipes are all to be lagged before being boxed in but that will have to wait until Saturday. With the ECP&DA work party tomorrow, all his time will be spent with them. As for me I spent the day doing a bit of a spring winter clean. You should of seen the dirt throughout the boat!!! It was a typical Larry Greyson moment - Will you look at all that dust!!!Smiley  Smiley

All done and dusted now and as good as it's going to be. At least a dust cloud doesn't form every time we sit down or walk on the carpet now. Not sure what I will do tomorrow. No doubt something will turn up.

Today I also had another welcome visitor to the basin. This time on the bird feeder. Never had a Greenfinch visit before so dead pleased about that.

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