Everywhere you look there are babies. Just want our Grandchild to arrive!
About Us

- Ian and Irene Jameison
- In 1977 we hired our first narrowboat from Anglo Welsh at Market Harborough.From that moment our destiny was set. In 2006 we finally purchased our own brand new 57' narrowboat which we named 'Free Spirit'. Our aim is to travel the length and breadth of all the navigable rivers and canals of the UK. This will be our story as it unfolds.
Tuesday, 20 May 2014
This could be it!
10.15pm, ready for bed, dog walked, coco drunk and the phone rings! Both dive for the mobile and sure enough it's Christine. Thinks it may be time for us to make haste to Swadlincote. Rush around, get dressed, pack overnight bag, check all electric is off (apart from fridge) and grab dog. Dog not happy! Routine all gone to pot and starts to shake. Collar on, lead on, drag her off the boat. Get to car and realised no dog food packed! To late to go back.... Jade will have to eat Echo's. Drive like a manic and arrive 25 minutes later. Kev opens door....... where's Christine? Fully expected her to be ready to go to hospital but no. She is lying fully dressed and as calm as can be in their recliner chair. "No rush mum", says she. "Contractions aren't that regular yet". "Between 7 minutes and 15 minutes apart". So leaving both in the living room, we climb the stairs (Good grief they're steep!) up to the bedroom and try to get some shuteye. Ian immediately falls asleep while I toss and turn wondering if the noise I just heard was their car starting up. Must have drifted off only to be woken by Josh crying because his pillow had fallen on the floor. Time 2ish. Christine also comes up stairs so no baby yet then! Back to bed for a short while only to be up again when Josh called out once again. This time because of a bad dream. No sign of Christine so maybe already left for the hospital. Back to bed and must have drifted off when Josh once more got me up. He was thirsty so gave him his drink. Then he wanted to come in our bed. I said he couldn't but that I would stay with him. Trying to lay next to him on his single mattress was no joke. Most of me was precariously perched on the edge with bum hanging off the mattress! Eventually he drifts off to sleep so I creep out. Get back to bed and wake up with a start when I hear Kev coming up stairs to get ready for work. What!!!!.....No no no!!!! Where is the baby???? Sorry says he. False alarm!!!! The contractions stopped not long after Christine went back to the recliner after seeing to Josh. So that's that then. The wait goes on. I suppose the only benefit I can see of last nights fiasco is that we have at least had the dress rehearsal.
Everywhere you look there are babies. Just want our Grandchild to arrive!
See what I mean! Babies everywhere!
Everywhere you look there are babies. Just want our Grandchild to arrive!
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Blog Archive
- And yet another visit by the Police!
- Why do boaters no longer slow down?
- Canada Geese......Love em or hate em!
- One mystery solved and thumbs up for Google earth.
- A couple of mysteries to wonder at.
- Hmmm.... What to do with the stern rope.
- Rescued by Ashtree boat club.
- It's a boy!
- Ha....that will stop those nosey parkers.
- The best possible news
- C&RT said yes
- This could be it!
- Let the sun shine brightly!
- Meeting with the newly weds
- The downside to the hot weather
- I spy something beginning with D
- My Goldfish in a bowl rant!.
- When needs must yet again!
- Human Scarecrow needed
- Rescue mission....... twice.
- Got very cross with Jade!
- A very big fault with Tesco's Hudl
- Could be a big baby
- Oh misery misery
- When needs must
- More doom and gloom.
- See these views........
- So........seems it only takes a big stick.
- Thats a big'un
- It wasnt us that left the gap!
- Is there a new code to mooring?
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