Good grief, this morning I wondered if I was on the wrong canal and it was the BCN we were on and not the T&M! Why may you ask. Well at a silly time of 4am and not even light yet, a boat who had moored in front of us set off. You would think that leaving so early you would make the effort of being quiet. Not him though, the engine was revving and the speed as he drew level was enough to stretch the ropes causing us to bang into the side. Now Ian always puts a spring on and even that didn't stop us moving. With the BCN 24 hour challenge having just taken place I truly thought I was somewhere in amongst the challengers! (not that they travel fast past moored boats, mind. No it was the traveling throughout the night that was in my mind)
We still have no definite news as to when Christine and baby can be released from hospital. Baby seems very well but until the antibiotics have done their work he must stay in. Christine is hoping that tomorrow will be that day as the course finishes in the wee hours of Wednesday morning. As we are now facing the wrong way we decided on an other jaunt to Horniglow facility block, top up with water and empty both cassettes, wind and head back to the park. Not the best of days to travel with a fine drizzle soaking everything but the thought of queuing at the locks again made us set off early, don our wellie boots and waterproofs and head off for Branston lock. Even at 8.30am we got beaten into second place when Nb Mayfly passed us as we were about to set off. Still, in a way that worked in our favour because, on our approach to Dallow Lock, the lady from Mayfly raised a paddle for us. Such a nice thing to do and much appreciated. We nearly always try to do the same if we have a boat following (that is only if we have them in sight).
Nb Mayfly in the distance. |
At this lock a large plastic black bag was placed against the ground paddle. Couldn't be sure who would have left this but if it was a boater why not take it to Willington or Barton Turns to dispose of! Then later our friends Carol and Mick on Electra came past. He told us of no end of rubbish floating in the canal including a loo and cassettes. He thought maybe a boat had sunk and the debris had come from that. He kept an eye out just in case but nothing was to be seen. It's all very mysterious.

At Horniglow we pulled onto the services and had not long tied up when another boat appeared wanting water. Seems this is a popular watering stop. Last time we had a Canaltime waiting for the services. Anyway we only needed to top up the tank and once the loos had been emptied, within 10 minutes we were on our way. With the rain now coming down heavier we stopped at Shobnall Fields instead of returning to Branston Water Park. This is one mooring we have never stopped at. Ian's always a bit wary of mooring on a park but I cant see us being bothered by anyone in this awful weather.
When Mick and Carol came past earlier they also told us our friends Dennis and Margaret, Nb Icing, had left Shardlow this afternoon and should be with us late tomorrow or Thursday. Looking forward to that as we will then travel together to the boat gathering at Stafford boat club to celebrate their 50th year.
Shobnall Field ( we were there first honest) |
These next few pictures baffled me. I have never seen these growths on a leaf before. The tree looks to be a sycamore and a healthy looking specimen at that. Another mystery that would be nice if it could be solved.
A very sorry looking Goose at Dallow lock. |