We moved on this morning. Not that we wanted to as the weather outside was dismal, but because boats started arriving wanting go go up the Wolverhampton 21. The first boat missed the junction and then had to reverse. Having negotiated the turn they then realised that they had no anti vandal key so reversed out again just as a hire boat came through the bridge ole. With us in the way we made a hasty retreat but not before we suggested to the hirer that they lead the way to unlock the paddles and the private boat follow to close them again..
Private boat taking our place as the hire boat enters Aldersley junction. |
We had to make a decision whether we turned left at Autherley Junction and onto the Shroppie to diesel up at Turners Garage or stop before the junction at Oxley Boatyard. With me at the helm I drove straight past Oxley without realising where I was. Then out of the corner of my eye I spied the diesel pump with a price of 86p ltr. By now it was to late to stop so I kinda took the decision out of our hands and did the left turn onto the Shroppie. By now the rain was causing bubbles onto of the water but I did manage to grab the camera before turning onto the Shroppie to take a photo of the 5 bridges.
2 at the front, 2 at the back and a pipe bridge beyond. |
Amphibian art. |
With the rain still beating down Ian, ever the martyr, got off to do the stop lock and then left me with brolly up to it to travel the 8 mile to Wheaton Aston.
Having got so wet that even the undies needed wringing out, we eventually arrived to find, to my relief, diesel at 74.9 ltr. So taking nearly 100 ltrs on board we then had another choice to make. Carry on for another 2 miles to wind or reverse 100yds to the winding hole by the facility block. With the wind blowing a hooley I attempted the reverse, back through the bridge ole, past numerous moored boats, past the winding hole where I eventually gave up and pulled onto the facilities instead. The wind was a menace making every maneuver an effort and pushing the boat forever toward other boats. Ian took over from me at the facilities and did a perfect turn at the winding hole, much to my annoyance.

Then we headed back to Autherley Junction but this time Ian took the tiller. It still rained on and off and because Ian refuses point blank to hold a brolly while steering, got even wetter then me! Finding a good ringed mooring by bridge 7 he thought it time to stop and dry off. Still it was worth the effort to make the detour cause I cant think of anywhere else on the system where diesel is as cheap as that.
Stretton Aqueduct crossing the A5 |
Just a question that maybe my readers can answer. Is this the Phyllis May 2 owned by Terry and Monica Darlington?
And finally:-
It's behind you!!!! |
Yes, that's the Darlington's boat.
Thanks Adam. I thought it was but couldn't find a picture on the internet of their new boat.
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