I'm exhausted! Not by carrying on with the blacking, but by the family arriving and causing mayhem throughout the boat!! I should have remember in the days of our kids being small, everything including the kitchen sink had to come with us"just in case". So there were bags, toys, kiddie drinks, baby food, nappies etc as well as 2 boisterous boys, a 10 month crawling baby, 2 Labradors and an extra 4 adults. So you can see why I'm ready for a glass of wine and a sit down tonight! With all these bodies to help out, including the boys doing their artistic work, another 2 coats of Sealex has been put on and all the gunwales have been rubbed down ready for painting in the morning.
We told Oscar and Josh they could use the hull as a blackboard. |
Oliver on Colin's shoulder, Christine, Oscar, Josh and Ian in the foreground. Sitting on the boat is Iwona. . |
Heather and Margaret between the two boats working on Nb Brackens hull . |
Artistry by Oscar & Josh |
Oscar and Josh painting the rudder. |
Colin & Kev on the sanding. |
Echo was most upset that Kev was down below. She had to hold the ball as a sort of comforter. |
Just to prove Colin did a bit of work. |
We still have 5 days to go so we can now take our time on the rest of the painting. I expect we will be finished well before we need to come off the dock. At l
east it gives the Sealex time to harden.
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