Okay, so for two days a storm has been raging. Rain has caused mini floods, the wind took leaves from branches and trees have come down, but was I bothered? No! because yesterday and today we have been moored up cosy and warm, safe in the knowledge that the 'Jameison madness' of' 'must travel at all cost' had gone. (well for the time being anyway).
One of the many flooded parts around the park |
We did move today, though, because our time was up on the park moorings so we have literally moved a couple hundred yards to the towpath side on the 14 day mooring. A lovely couple Paul and Lorna on Nb Kestrel came out to greet us followed by their Jack Russel and a mouse.What!!!! A mouse????? Yep it lives in the vicinity and has been a regular visitor to the boat in the hope of getting some tit bits. It would be great if I could get a picture of it. Apparently Buster the Jack Russel only goes after bigger fry, you know, rats, rabbits, cats etc. so the mouse is quite safe. Wonder what Jade will think if she sees it? Also residing in the area is a Jay. Got a couple of pictures which is not the best, but I may get another opportunity at a later stage.

Colin had suggested we met up at lunchtime today for a meal at the Toby Inn at Shenley Church End. Iwona, with our grand kids Oscar and Oliver, had left for Poland in the 'wee hours' of this morning ( brave girl to travel on her own on a plane with two children under the age of 4) so I offered to cook dinner, but whether he remembered his mums home cooking was not the best, he decided it was safer to eat out!! I took this photo on a self timer after the meal and having set it on 10 seconds, only just made it to the seat on time. I might look drunk but I can assure you I wasn't!
Left Colin to his own devices later this afternoon and as I spied a strange yellow thing in the sky, I took Jade for a walk, or rather took myself for a walk! I ambled on quite oblivious to the fact that Jade had decided to walk no more! It was to near her dinner time and all she wanted was to go back to the boat and get fed. You'll see what I mean in the next picture,
A close up. |
I gave up trying to get her to come to me so, against my better judgement, I let her have her own way.
So tomorrow we are off to No#1 son again but this time to start on a long list of jobs he has left both of us to do.