My work in 'The House' is almost at an end. Most of the rubbing down and painting is finished so, I can do no more for the time being. Ian on the other hand still has loads to do. Finish the tiling in the on suite, fit the new shower, finish laying the cables outside, level the garden, and then lay the decking. We are leaving for Sandiacre on Sunday and Ian will need some sort of divine intervention to get that lot done!! Iwona is starting to bribe Ian with Morrison's doughnuts ( best doughnuts to be had from any superstore ) just to keep him here a bit longer. Ian is a sucker for them. As much as we would love to stay and continue to help out, we have other commitments waiting for us so we just have to leave.
After a lazy start I ventured out with Jade. I hadn't realised how foggy it was until I stepped out of the boat. One of those,cant see your hand in front of your face, pea soup moments.
The boat is only just visible. |
I decided to have a walk down Stoke Bruerne flight and, on the way, drop the rubbish off at the bin in the car park. I happened to be placing a couple of wine bottles in the bin when I heard a shout from behind asking me to put the bottles in the recycle bin. I told him I would gladly do this if I knew where the recycle bins were!! No sign anywhere telling us that recycling is even available. The chap then pointed to the museum and told me that the three bins over by the disabled door were for cans, plastics and bottles. I thanked him but also pointed out that a sign telling us where they were situated would have been useful. So to all boaters visiting Stoke Bruerne, the recycle bins are by the museum. Just one other observation. How would a disabled person get through the door with the bins in front of it????
Recycle bins |
Carrying on down the flight I noticed that one of the pounds was very low. All the rest had plenty of water in them. Could it be a problem of leakage through the walls this time, rather then the gates?
Looks to be a good foot down. |
Work was still ongoing near the bottom of the flight.
Replacing the top edging of the wall. |
Looks to be a decent job. |
Crossing over the footbridge at the bottom, the fog started to lift, and with the sun breaking through,some of the bushes along the bank started to look very spring like.With the buds opening to reveal the bright yellow flower heads, it was enough to lift one's spirit.
Back at the boat I noticed a great deal of commotion and noise coming from the bushes opposite. There must have been 30 or more birds all trying to perch in this one bush. Not knowing what they were I thought I would take a photo and identify the bird in my Readers Digest Book of Birds. Turned out to be a Greenfinch. This is the first I have ever photographed. Certainly made my day.
My first Greenfinch. Shame its slightly out of focus. |
The boat traffic today was virtually none existent but I was made aware of one boat going past, not because it was going to fast, but because of the noise it made. Turns out this narrow boat was being propelled by an outboard motor. Still, If it gets you from A to B what does it matter.
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