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In 1977 we hired our first narrowboat from Anglo Welsh at Market Harborough.From that moment our destiny was set. In 2006 we finally purchased our own brand new 57' narrowboat which we named 'Free Spirit'. Our aim is to travel the length and breadth of all the navigable rivers and canals of the UK. This will be our story as it unfolds.

Tuesday 17 October 2023

There and back

Toffee came on heat yesterday! Of all places to have a dog in season, a boat is not the best place! With no secure garden she has to go out so its constantly looking to see if another dog is within the vicinity. I met loads this morning and kept dodging behind bushes keeping Toffee very close. I can see this being an interesting three weeks! 


Moored at Gifford Park

Covering the mat.

Anyway I called Iwona last night, asked about doggie pants and yes there is such a garment. She did no more than race over in the car, had the rest of the family with her and brought over not just the pants but numerous towels to lay over furniture etc. As the Gifford Park pub was close by, it would have been rude not to offer them all a drink. After they left I tried those pants on Toffee. OMG trying to work out how they went on was a struggle. Poor Toffee was not very happy and if truth be told, nor was I. Nop...I will not be putting her through that undignified look!

This morning we had to wind. That meant going all the way back to Cosgrove and winding below the lock.  Now I know everyone will say there is a winding hole not far from Gifford Park but with nothing to eat on board, we had to go to Wolverton for a shop. But what a lovely morning for a cruise, a bit cold, weather has certainly turned autumnal and for the first time yesterday we lit the stove. On route, we passed that blooming overhanging tree. Why do folk not think when mooring up. It wasn't the most sensible place to stop!


This boat a week ago, well I'm sure it was still floating but coming past today it was siting on the bottom and most of the possessions placed on the side. Such a shame when this happens and I do feel for who ever lived on board.

Love Toffee to bits but she can be a bit of a pain when cruising. Wanting to stand with us on the back deck, well it's an accident waiting to happening and having swans following the boat didn't help one bit. A stern 'no' and she backed up.

Ian went shopping at Wolverton armed with my shopping list. Leaving Toffee for over an hour would have had me worrying all the time we were gone. What would we have found when we got back! Anyway he returned with almost everything,  the Bakers complete on the list was left out all because he didn't know which variety to buy. Apparently he tried phoning and I didn't pick up...hmm...it never rang my end so I wonder??? But he did return with things not on the list. The Figgy Roll biscuits just happened to jump into the basket as did a packet of chocolate Penguins! 

Leaving for Cosgrove we ran the gauntlet under that pigeon bridge. I'm sure that smell was getting worse and after mooring found we had been well and truly bombed!

So we didn't need to wind below Cosgrove lock, the canal was plenty wide enough past bridge 68 and the Galleon pub. The wind had picked up as we headed back and now was blowing toward us. It was cold and not pleasant at all.We did stop once more at Gifford Park to use the facilities, so all in all it took us a couple of hours to get to Campbell Park which unfortunately was full! It's imperative we stay for a couple of days, not just because storm Babet is on the way and we don't fancy trying to battle the wind and rain, but because a new bread machine has been ordered, ours having given up the ghost during the last loaf rise! So we found a mooring right by the marina. No cladding so on cross pins but it's nice and open (apart from the buildings opposite) so no fear of a branch or two falling on FS.

And seen on route

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