About Us

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In 1977 we hired our first narrowboat from Anglo Welsh at Market Harborough.From that moment our destiny was set. In 2006 we finally purchased our own brand new 57' narrowboat which we named 'Free Spirit'. Our aim is to travel the length and breadth of all the navigable rivers and canals of the UK. This will be our story as it unfolds.

Monday 16 October 2023

Party time.

So on Thursday we went to a place called La Tour, it's a hotel but has a fancy sky bar and restaurant on the 14th floor. Colin came to collect us, it was walkable from Campbell Park but these days the top of my right foot is giving me some gyp. If I walk for any length of time boy do I know about it later! Anyway everything was expensive, My glass of wine was nearly £10! We only stayed about an hour and yep... I was right about the rain coming later. Had just been dropped back to the car park and down it came. Talk about a dash in the dark back to FS. We only had the small light of the phone to to see by and it took a good 5 minutes before we got back... hey ho...for once weatherman was correct as to the timings!

Friday we left to wind just before the marina. A tad windy but Ian got us around like the true master he is (well apart from putting the bow into some overhanging branches) Next stop Lionheart cruising club.

Winding hole

Lionheart cruising club

 Ray met us. I believe he is the assistant to the commodore and made us most welcome. Keys were given for the toilets and gate and on enquiry on how we were getting to our sons, offered to take us by car. What a wonderful man and a credit to the club.


No sooner had we arrived at our sons when my daughter-in-law Iwona, set me to work planting stuff for the garden. They have had the whole garden designed and landscaped, plants had arrived but only placed in the containers, not actually planted. Gosh the task was daunting. There must be several hundred, bulbs included, and that wasn't the 10 small trees ready to have holes dug out next to the wall in the front garden. For Ian though, he was given another task, help get the BBQ set up and make electrical checks on all the lighting our son had done around the new patio. It was fancy lighting too...the sort that can change colour and be controlled through his phone. I’m amazed at what our son CAN do on the phone! For me, I need to be able to make a call, take a photo and play my fishing game. All other functions are obsolete!


And there are another 4 of the same further along the fence line. Yep the garden is big!

  Saturday more of the same except this time come afternoon and folk began to arrive for a party. Not just for the birthday boys Oscar, Ian and Colin, but also to show off the new garden.

Colin the BBQ King

It was a great success, so much so, that copious amount of food was cooked on the BBQ and the drinks flowed freely. I got to bed by about 2 am, I woke when Ian arrived about 3 am needless to say we all slept in late!

Colin's birthday cake

Ian had a new cap given by our daughter Chrissy. Love it and suits him down to the ground

Sunday was back to FS with Toffee. We have her for nearly three weeks and so looking forward to taking longish walks with her (well if my foot is up to it of course) The plan is to stay within easy return of MK so Toffee can be collected from Campbell Park on November 3rd. Tring will probably be as far south as we will go.

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