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In 1977 we hired our first narrowboat from Anglo Welsh at Market Harborough.From that moment our destiny was set. In 2006 we finally purchased our own brand new 57' narrowboat which we named 'Free Spirit'. Our aim is to travel the length and breadth of all the navigable rivers and canals of the UK. This will be our story as it unfolds.

Thursday, 11 July 2019

So unfit!

 Now, what would you say if I told you a tuna sandwich and a BLT came to £14. Well, that is what we were charged at the Hotel/Restaurant last night! Okay it did come with some green salad leaves and we were given a small portion of chips as a side (should have been crisps and that would have been even worse!) Anyway we did notice the price but for some reason neither of us gave it any thought, going ahead to order them anyway. I think we must have had a brain failure but there again these prices are to be expected at a posh place like that.

 This morning we set off for Felbrigg Hall. Another NT property and the same problem of the car parking ticket. No card to scan and with the visitor centre not opening until 11 am we left a note on the windscreen saying we would sort the ticket out later. Today the plan was to not just see the house and gardens, but to take the bikes for their first outing. So with a wait till 11 am and with it only being a tad after 10, we set off to find the lakes. Not having a map didn't help as we completely missed the fingerpost pointing the way and ended up by the main road. Backtracking then, and found by the time we made it back that it was past 11 am.
 Deed done with the parking ticket and a tempory NT card issued until we return home, we should now have no more problems with other properties. Securing the bikes to the Beast we walked to the walled garden. Magnificent and the best garden we have seen so far.

Next, it was a tour around the Hall before finally getting on the bikes once more to head for the lakes. This time we followed the directions given on the leaflet from the visitor centre. Surprising what having a map will do. I'm so unfit though. Only managed to ride up one gentle slopping hill.  it was a walk up the others!

Tonight we found a proper camping site. Washing machine a must and almost out of water we needed a tap! So now on electric hook and up all gadgets, laptops, toothbrush's, etc can now be fully charged.

Wildlife today,

The Common Blue Damesflies (Identification by Paul. Many thanks)


Marilyn, nb Waka Huia said...
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Barbara said...

Absolutely stunning pictures! xx

Ian and Irene Jameison said...

Thank you, Barbara. Xx

Paul Clark said...

What! No moths! I'm disappointed in you Irene.

I can help with the damselflies if you are interested. The pair having fun are Common Blue Damselflies, and as the name correctly suggests this is a widespread and abundant species through Britain. The lonesome male a few photos below is much more interesting. This is a Small Red-eyed Damselfly, which was unknown in Britain until 20 years ago - in 1999 they were first found on the Essex coast. They obviously like it here though, because in the time since then they have spread right through East Anglia and the South-east, and are now well established and seem to expanding their range each year.



P.S. I only just noticed the fish - which I assume was actually the intended subject of the second shot!! Doh!!

Ian and Irene Jameison said...

Thanks, Paul. On FS I have a book on insects which also shows the Dragonfly/Damselfly species. But of course, that book was left behind so all help in identification is appreciated. As for the Red-eyed Damselfly, you are quite right the fish was the intended subject and only noticed it on the lily pad once I cropped the photo. (:

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