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In 1977 we hired our first narrowboat from Anglo Welsh at Market Harborough.From that moment our destiny was set. In 2006 we finally purchased our own brand new 57' narrowboat which we named 'Free Spirit'. Our aim is to travel the length and breadth of all the navigable rivers and canals of the UK. This will be our story as it unfolds.

Friday 26 July 2024

The hunt for the red squirrel.

 July 24th

 The night was long, road noise continued until 11ish, then all went quiet until 2 am! I was woken by flashing orange lights and banging from outside. A glance as the curtain was pulled aside revealed a road cone wagon bringing in cones. I also became aware of a dull ache in my abdomen, I knew what that was, my diverticulitis had returned! From that moment, sleep was almost impossible. The pain experienced,  noise from bin lorries, camper van doors being slid open and banged shut in the wee hours and the resuming of traffic shortly after 5 am.

I did doze on and off, and a cup of tea was brought to me a little after 6 am. So I'm back on the Paracetamol and liquid diet for 24 hours. Oh, and no alcohol of any sort until the gut settles down again.

Before leaving the Park and Ride and because the painkillers were doing their job, we went for a walk to the Caledonian Canal. Two road bridges crossed this canal, all within about 200m of each other. About to set off along the canal when an alarm sounded and barriers began to be lowered at the furthest road bridge. Well, this couldn't be missed, so back to the road to watch as the swing bridge opened to allow through a cruiser and trip boat.

They were held between the two bridges until the first bridge closed and traffic allowed to proceed, then the alarm sounded again, and the second bridge swung open.

1st bridge

2nd bridge

The walk was continued, and I managed a quarter mile before I mentioned to Ian I could go no further. Every step was painful, and I did wonder if a doctor should be found, but I don't have a temperature, so will continue on soft food and liquids for the time being.

Leaving the Park and Ride it was off to find a resolute washing machine at a nearby garage for our washing. Love these machines, they take about 40 minutes for a wash and 30 minutes for the dry. Whilst waiting in MB, tea could be had and one of our audible books listened too. Then a return to Morrison for Yogurt (thank you, Marilyn, for that suggestion), clear soups and for Ian to choose what he was going to cook himself tonight. He chose a meat pie. Also, the gas ran out this morning. The cylinder was only changed 10 days ago, and Ian couldn't understand why it had run out so quickly. Checking the fridge, realised the dial had been turned up to its maximum! No wonder the gas ran out! Luckily, a place was found in Inverness that only charged £28, so a cylinder exchange was purchased. Hopefully, this one will last longer!

With me not wanting to walk much today, I suggested going to Loch Garton RSPB centre. Ospreys and Red squirrels frequent this place, although I doubted we would see Ospreys. But very pleasantly surprised to see that a male Osprey was still hanging around. After spending a good hour in the centre glued to the live cameras hoping for a squirrel sighting, we came away disappointed. The bird feeders did attract birds, not the Crested Tit that I also hoped to see but Chaffinch, Coal tit, Great tit and Woodpecker.

Great Tit and Blue Tit

Coal Tit

Chaffinch Male

Chaffinch female

Great Spotted Woodpecker

We stopped overnight for free. A warden did appear about 7ish checking if we had a toilet, they would send anyone away who hadn't. I don't blame them for asking, they don't want this lovely place contaminated by human waste!

Another look for red squirrels is planned for tomorrow, they open at 10 am, so fingers crossed.

1 comment:

Ian and Irene Jameison said...

Thank you, Debbie, I will take your advice. Xx

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