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In 1977 we hired our first narrowboat from Anglo Welsh at Market Harborough.From that moment our destiny was set. In 2006 we finally purchased our own brand new 57' narrowboat which we named 'Free Spirit'. Our aim is to travel the length and breadth of all the navigable rivers and canals of the UK. This will be our story as it unfolds.

Thursday 18 July 2024

My man vanishes.

 I should have been careful for what I had wished for, what was I saying about my hope for the rain washing those pesky flies from the bodywork?

16th July

So it rained heavy overnight, those flies did not wash off! It was still raining by the time we wanted to cross to the Brough of Birsay. The tide had receded much earlier and folk were already arriving to walk across. My aim was to find the Cowrie Shell, I did so want my purse to be always full. Waterproofs on, we set off to cross the causeway. Crossing the rocky bit, I was glad of those sticks, it was very slippery and there seemed to be much more seaweed than before. Once onto the island beach we both went hunting for those shells, must have spent a good 45 minutes searching but not one to be found. In the end, I mentioned doing the walk to the lighthouse. I had my sticks, Ian hadn't bothered, did he regret that? He would not have told me even if he had. The going was wet underfoot and steep. I got him to pose. "Look miserable" I shouted above the wind and rain. "Don't need to" he replied. "Whose silly idea was this anyway?"

Took the usual photo of the lighthouse and then suggested walking to see the Puffins on the other side of the island. 

So we set off with the rain stinging our faces and the wind almost stopping us in your tracks. People were already on a high outcrop with binoculars to their eyes. Must be where the Puffins were.

Before we got to them, a large crevice appeared on the right. Looking into it, an opening suggested a cave. Ian was all for going in, I persuaded him not to so he left me trying to get the camera out of its protection of a plastic bag and, as I took a photo, noticed him disappearing from sight a little further on

Ian (in blue) disappearing, top left of photo

Quickly I took myself to where he had vanished only to see him clambering down a steep rocky bit and disappear into the hole.

I waited for him to return, no sign, so I called out. Nothing, no answering call. Now I was beginning to worry. I called again and suddenly right by my side came a "Yes?" I won't tell you what I called him, but he certainly got the message how cross I was. With the aid of his phone light, found out the exit was at that other hole, which gave him the idea to sneak up on me and give me a fright! 

I couldn't be cross for long, especially as we did come across those Puffins and the rain had stopped. 


 The walk back was full of laughter, I called him a Neanderthal, going back to his roots. He asked if I would be his cave women, he had always liked me with long hair and fancied dragging me around by it!

All in all and in spite of the awful weather, we did enjoy the morning. This was to be the last day on Orkney, so the afternoon was taken up by doing laundry and taking the last look at Kirkwall. We found a small Puffin stuffed toy at a gift shop, and it now joins Monkey (Marvin) and Teddy Bear (Little Ted) on the dashboard. We have yet to find a suitable name!

And the view from Birsay Island

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