Friday 9th and we had been asked to look after our grandsons Oscar and Oliver over the weekend as son Colin was off to Poland for a party. Our daughter-in-law Iwona had already flown out and was awaiting his arrival but she had forgotten to take her laptop and, as she was going straight to work after landing on Monday 13th, asked Colin to put it in the car. In the wee hours of Saturday morning, Colin said his farewells leaving us in charge of the boys and drove to Stanstead airport.
Roll forward to Saturday morning. Daughter Christine arrives at the house with our other two Grandsons, Josh and Thomas. A great day with the boys was had and loads of photos taken. I had my computer with me and wanted to look at the photos but it needed charging so I go to connect the charger. But then.... Hmmm, where was it? "Boys, have you hidden my lead?" I shout. "No Nanny" came back the reply back. I hunt high and low and then the penny drops. Colin had put it in the car with Iwona's laptop!!!! Aghhh... no means of viewing or editing the photos and to add insult to injury, Colin's TV had no aerial connected to it so we were unable to watch the News or Strictly or Dr Who or any of the terrestrial channels! Amazon Prime and films and that was it! A text message to Colin asking if he had the lead and an apologetic message back saying he had so an arrangement made to meet us at the Gifford Arms on Monday night for a meal when the lead would be returned. Monday morning and after taking the boys to school we ordered a taxi back to FS at Campbell Park, pulled pins and travelled the short distance to Gifford Park.
Seen Saturday afternoon on the way to the park |
Grown-up kids! |
On our way to Gifford Park and this wonderful ceramic mural on the bridge wall. |
Today I'm pleased to say the laptop is once again fully charged. Photos can be edited and blog resumed. I must just say the meal was brilliant last night and one eatery to remember in future. The first thing to do today was to restock the fridge and freezer. Cleared it out knowing the engine wouldn't charge the batteries and didn't want the freezer full of food to defrost. Wolverton has an Asda and Tesco so a quick shop before setting off for Cosgrove. On the way Jules fuels came past, oh goody we needed to buy coal being down to the last two bags, but they were unable to stop due to towing the butty so looks like we will have to find another outlet somewhere.
Wolverton bridge and hoping no pigeon poo comes our way! |
Train mural from modern-day diesel to olden days steam. |
Crossing the Iron Trunk Aqueduct. |
One lock to ascend at Cosgrove, a stop at the facilities before cruising the one section of canal that always seem to take an age. A 6 miles pound badly in need of dredging as wash was created more often than not. Speed reduced to just over tickover and consequently it took well over two hours to do. Finally made it to the bottom of the Stoke Bruerne flight and as by now it was too late to start up the flight due to the lateness of the hour, managed to squeeze into the only remaining space available on the visitor mooring. Tomorrow we tackle the seven locks and then the dreaded Blisworth tunnel!
Seen on the journey,
Most strange!!!! |
And on route,
Thanks to Paul Clark this moth has been identified as a 'Brick' |
Hi Irene
OK, I can never resist a worn moth. That one's called a "Brick". No idea why!
Thanks Paul.
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