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In 1977 we hired our first narrowboat from Anglo Welsh at Market Harborough.From that moment our destiny was set. In 2006 we finally purchased our own brand new 57' narrowboat which we named 'Free Spirit'. Our aim is to travel the length and breadth of all the navigable rivers and canals of the UK. This will be our story as it unfolds.

Sunday 22 September 2024

My turn to play with the windlass

 Sept 20th

The forecast for the midlands was dire! Heavy rain and thunderstorms, a months worth of rain in a few days! Yikes...best try and get through the river section at Alrewas, then! Ian wasn't feeling too good, thinks he has the start of a cold, which is strange because since his chemo all those years ago, he very seldom gets any sort of infection or virus. At the time of the chemo, the nurses said the concoction was more like battery acid being pumped through his veins, and nothing nasty would ever survive. He did get Covid last year, but normally he is always the one to stay healthy. Anyway, what it did mean was I got to get to play with the windlass, did two of the four locks to do today. I had forgotten how awkward the Keeper's lock balance beams were, it took all my strength and just as I managed to close the last gate after Ian had taken FS out, the volunteer lockkeeper appeared.

 After 2 cold and flu tablets, Ian started to feel more like himself and decided he was going to do Bagnall lock. Those blooming bottom gates would not stay closed, and as we only ever close the gates once, if they come open by themselves than so be it. At least we tried. 

That blooming moored boat on the offside really was a nuisance as we came through Alrewas. The bridge was ours (in narrowboat etiquette, the one that gets there first usually goes through, leaving the other to hang about until it's clear) but there lay a problem. How to get past? So Ian started to reverse, we couldn't see if there was a free mooring in front of the bridge, but they could and so to allow us through, they cut across and beckoned us through.

There was hardly any flow on the river section, I expect that will change in a few days when the rain comes arrives in earnest.

At Barton Turns lock, a box of goodies is always next to the fence by the pub to rummage through. Preserves, fruit and veg, eggs and chilli plants on offer today. An honesty box to place the money had a sign on it stating that if any more goods get taken without payment, no longer would the produce be on offer. 

My purchase, a chilli plant.

A mooring was found just beyond Branston Water Park. Ian really wanted to have a go at removing the flue and collar, and a lot of drilling and banging would be involved. Best to have the bow as far away as possible from other boats.

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