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In 1977 we hired our first narrowboat from Anglo Welsh at Market Harborough.From that moment our destiny was set. In 2006 we finally purchased our own brand new 57' narrowboat which we named 'Free Spirit'. Our aim is to travel the length and breadth of all the navigable rivers and canals of the UK. This will be our story as it unfolds.

Thursday 19 September 2024

Accosted by a strange women.

 September 19th

Fish and chips were delicious, but a warning, do not order large fish or a large portion of chips! Ian likened the fish to a small whale, it was enormous. And as the chips got piled into the paper, we looked at each other in horror. She must have noticed and said a large chips is for a family of four. Well we couldn't really say put them all back so saying yes that's fine, placed the order into our bag.  On our return, we put half the amount in the fridge for tomorrow's meal. Reheating will probably mean they will go a bit soggy, but we hate waste, so like it or not, they will be devoured with a chicken and bacon pie! 

Today we made for Fradley, one boat passed just as we were about to set off, blast, more queuing at the locks! So we gave it another 10 minutes before casting off, and still managed to catch him before the lock. Luckily, Woodend lock had a boat leaving so he could sail right in, and I could get on the landing.

At Fradley they were short of volunteers. Only three to do all 5 locks. Two then would not be manned, Middle and Keeper's locks. At Shadehouse lock we were in luck as a boat had left, and the volunteer kept the gate open. In I went, Ian went to open the bottom gate paddle and suddenly a strange woman appeared and flung her arms around him! What the???? Did he know her? Should I be worried? Questions, questions, very frustrating when I'm stuck on board watching my husband being accosted by a strange woman! Turns out her husband had somehow missed a turn and had taken their motorhome along the lane to the lock. From Shadehouse the narrow lane ends and trying to turn a large vehicle almost impossible. The start of the bridge spanning the canal was the only place and Ian took it upon himself to direct the three point turn manoeuvre. It was her way of thanking him, giving a hug, a gesture that certainly surprised him and made me slightly concerned!


At Middle Lock a waterway's Chaplin came to offer a hand, said there were plenty of helpers at Shadehouse, and he felt our need was greater. Hmm, divine intervention perhaps?

We stopped below Junction Lock, this would do for today. Ian wants to start on the stove, and we have been told by our mooring officer, Norman, our moorings won't be free for another week. A boater wanted to paint the sides of hsi boat, and Norman won't allow anyone to paint next to another boat in the basin. As our mooring is by the swing bridge, he lets it out to anyone who wants to use it for that purpose. So no need to rush back then! I'm not even sure we will get back to our mooring considering the CRT stoppage notice. Once more the pounds between Potters and Sandiacre locks (which includes, Greens, Gallows Inn, Hallam Fields and Pasture) have all been drained again!

And note how we have had to secure FS. The rings are all in the wrong place for our length of boat and to stop us going back into the boat behind, Ian has had to use the fender eyes from the bow and middle to keep us from moving.

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