About Us

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In 1977 we hired our first narrowboat from Anglo Welsh at Market Harborough.From that moment our destiny was set. In 2006 we finally purchased our own brand new 57' narrowboat which we named 'Free Spirit'. Our aim is to travel the length and breadth of all the navigable rivers and canals of the UK. This will be our story as it unfolds.

Friday 2 August 2024

Is that Nessie?

July 31st

With some trepidation we took MB to the water point, connected the hose and started to fill. Ian lay on the grass watching for leaks, I kept asking was it alright and just sometimes this man of mine can be very infuriating by not answering immediately, leaving me frustrated at not being told!  Eventually he put a thumb up, yea....all was okay.

We left for Urquhart Castle, stopping first to get bread at Sainsbury. To discover the loaf had gone mouldy was a blow this morning. Eggs had been put on to boil, and we fancied toast with it. Anyway, shop done we left to do the 32 miles to Drumnadrochit. 

Hmm, we should have guessed how busy the place would be when we followed several coaches. The Loch Ness centre was open and trying to get into the car park was a nightmare. Cars had parked at stupid angles and some larger vehicles overhung the space, consequently narrowing the road. Glad Ian was driving, I would have been a nervous wreck and would probably have panicked! We gave up on parking, came away and headed for Urquhart Castle only to see a large board with CAR PARK FULL written on it! 

We had to assess the situation and driving alongside Loch Ness found a lay-by to stop in. I noticed what appeared to be a path leading down to the Loch. It was decided to go down and dip our feet in, and you never know, Nessie may have shown up too. 

  So, armed with walking sticks, set off. OMG, that path was more like a rock climb and foolishly both of us continued, hanging onto convenient placed trees and branches and finding rocky footholds. I managed to get to a large flat area and refused to go any further. 


I spy.....

The path beyond was even steeper, even Ian balked at the thought of continuing. Now the problem arose of us going back up!


Made it, but I'm not ashamed to say my legs were shaking as I climbed. Ian's steadying hand helped a lot! After that nerve racking experience, it was decided to visit the castle tomorrow morning when it was less busy. A site was found with electric and with the tank still holding liquid, it was nice to heat the water and have showers. 

And wildlife today


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