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In 1977 we hired our first narrowboat from Anglo Welsh at Market Harborough.From that moment our destiny was set. In 2006 we finally purchased our own brand new 57' narrowboat which we named 'Free Spirit'. Our aim is to travel the length and breadth of all the navigable rivers and canals of the UK. This will be our story as it unfolds.

Thursday 8 August 2024

A walk Ian could have avoided.

 Aug 6th

Such a fabulous parking spot, quiet, not a single car came past until 8 am, and we didn't get up until past 9. Olympic show jumping grabbed our attention, and it was only when both our British men had a fence down in their round, that we switched off before the conclusion. Sad there would be no individual medal for GB ๐Ÿ˜ž

For once the day was dry, not that rain would have mattered because we made for Loch Torr Wildlife Hide. The windows could be opened so no rain on the pane to obscure the view. We kept an eye on the sky for the White Tailed and Golden Eagle. Did they turn up??? No, unfortunately not, and nor did anything else.

After an hour we came away, left the hide to another couple with tripod and cameras that had lenses as long as their arm! So we headed for another waterfall at Eros Park. 

Gosh, those lanes we travelled to get to the Eros, narrow with the occasional passing place, and for me  even more terrifying than yesterday. Today, hairpin bends had me clutching the seat as trying to see what was coming was impossible. Ian also had to put foot to floor as the road camber was beyond imagination and had he stopped, goodness knows if he would have made the steep curved incline and around the bend! Even a bus used these lanes. He came up behind MB, almost on the back bumper, and the intimidation he probably was unintentionally aware of, made Ian pull into a passing place to allow him past. I expect he knows this route like the back of his hand!

That white car above and to the left was waiting for the bus to pass. Another of the hairpin bends to negotiate, too.

Eros Park was situated near to Tobermory. Driving through the town, Ian wanted to take photos of the coloured houses. Not a parking spot to be found near the water line. In the search we ended up high above the harbour, and finally he found a suitable place. "Right" said he "let's go," The thought of taking the steep pavement down and then having to climb up again, had me saying "You go, I'm not that bothered."

Well, when he finally returned, he just about made it through the door. He was breathing heavy and could hardly talk. When a sensible word did come out he just said "knackered" The walk down was bad enough but the 1:10 hill coming back up about killed him off. Was I glad I declined that walk! What made me howl with laughter was later, when we walked to the waterfall, seen across the water was Tobermory and  those houses! All that energy expanded, and he could have seen them from there!

The next two photos are Ian's. On the second photo, look at the tower right in the middle. MB was parked just beyond that.

And this was my photo from the waterfall.

At Eros Park, we stopped in the overflow car park, slightly nearer to the two falls. It was still a short walk along the lane, and at the bridge we chose to do the lower falls first. It was from there we saw the coloured houses.

Lower Falls

The Upper falls had us clambering over rocks again, plus, with all the wet weather lasting for days, had to pick a path through the mud. Both falls had a massive amount of water cascading down, and as much as the wet stuff is not what is wanted on holiday, there is something to be said for days of torrential rain.

Upper Falls

Tomorrow we leave Mull for Oban. A site was found by the ferry port, it has showers, although we ended up using ours instead. We didn't fancy getting soaked walking to the block now the rain had started again, and we certainly didn't want to have to dry off for a second time on the return to MB!

The ferry port in the distance.

And wildlife

Speckled Wood

 Landed on the bonnet of MB, was this dragonfly

Love the mottled plumage of these Blackbirds.




Alf said...

Is that the water that is used at the distilery?

Ian and Irene Jameison said...

That I don't know Alf, as we don't bother with distilleries. It's not something we make an effort to see.

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