About Us

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In 1977 we hired our first narrowboat from Anglo Welsh at Market Harborough.From that moment our destiny was set. In 2006 we finally purchased our own brand new 57' narrowboat which we named 'Free Spirit'. Our aim is to travel the length and breadth of all the navigable rivers and canals of the UK. This will be our story as it unfolds.

Friday 22 November 2019

A visit from Paul, Waterways Routes

I know it has been a while since I put fingers to keyboard but to those that did read my last post will remember the incident of the submerged phone. Three days that phone was buried in rice but did that tip from Jenny work? Well, I'm pleased to say.....it did!!!!! The only damage (if you can call it that) was the battery life had shortened considerably.

Several things have happened since our return. Having taken the travel pack and alternator to Cox's it was over 5 days before we got it back and two weeks later it still awaits Ian's fair hand to install.  It really is the case of out of sight, out of mind! (and being hooked up to electric didn't help) but it will get done...eventually. There was also the saga of the new Snipe 3 satellite which was returned to Germany because it had packed up after three months. All nicely boxed and in its original packaging it had one extra item not intended for return! Our TV remote control!!!!! Ian emailed the company as soon as the mistake was noticed and a week later it was returned, much to my relief and Ian's sanity. And then there was the Beasts carpet saga. We wanted to replace the missing piece in the middle and by the seating. Since purchase, a rug was the only floor covering so we found an almost identical colour match to the fitted piece in the kitchen area at a carpet shop in Ilkeston. Back to the Beast and a templet made out of stiff cardboard complete with drawings of where the press studs went. The word TOP was marked very plainly so there would be no excuse for cutting it wrong. Hmm, we hadn't planned on idiots who couldn't read! The piece was returned from the manufacturers cut and finished the wrong way round! They could do no more but accept responsibility and replace free of charge.

Having had those few headaches it was lovely then to receive an email from Paul, Waterway Routes, saying he would be walking part of the Erewash to update his maps this coming Friday. (today) So before he set off from Langley Mill he stopped by for a cup of coffee and a natter. Now, back in the year dot we happened across Waterway routes at the Crick show but didn't go ahead with the purchase of the maps as we had recently newly acquired all 7 of the Nicholson books so it was the one topic both Ian and I wanted a conversation on. And wow, we were so very impressed with the amount of detail and the ease at which to navigate the maps, needless to say, having the maps to download on our tablets and phone should make life easier. The Nicholson books can then be removed to the drawer under the bed. I have put a link on my sidebar to where you can find out all about these very detailed and informative maps of the waterways.

Had an excursion to Chelmer and Blackwater navigation earlier this week. We may have had loads of rain here in the Midlands but very little has fallen South in Essex and because of the clear skies at night, gosh it was cold. Ice had formed on the water for the first I have seen this year.

Oh and Bonfire night, Great fun with Dan and Vickki's at Langley Mill boatyard.

 We are getting ever nearer to our trip the NZ and Oz. Everything has been planned to a T so roll on December 26th. Yep, Boxing day is the day of travel. We do have a couple of things to look forward to first. Looking after our grandsons for 5 days while Colin and Iwona jet off to Las Vegas and the usual T & T trip in December to Cromer. Oh, and of course Christmas at our daughter's new house with the rest of the family.

And wildlife


Jenny said...

Exciting news, a trip to New Zealand! Depending on your plans, and ours, perhaps we could meet up while you are here?
Robin and Jenny, Romany Rambler

Ian and Irene Jameison said...

That would be fantastic Jenny. First stop is Auckland and hopefully to see the new year in. We have three weeks in North Island and three weeks in South Island. If you email me at irenejameison@gmail.com we could try and arrange a meeting. Xx

Barbara said...

Absolutely stunning pictures! Have a great time in NZ we fly to Australia on the 13th January can’t wait to see the grandchildren again.

I hope you have a really lovely Christmas and all the very best wishes for the new year xx

Mike Todd said...

I wouldn't put the Nicholsons to the back of the cupboard just yet. We have both and find that they are both very useful and do not always cover the same material, other than the actual canal route. The context of OS is, to me, much more helpful than Open Street (or whatever is used) but Paul's indications of mooring spots is much better - just as examples. That said, Waterway Routes is doing a better job at updating than Nicholsons, especially helped by being entirely digital, but both do have a few lacunae and errors.

Ian and Irene Jameison said...

Thank you Barbara. Enjoy your trip to Oz and I hope it's nowhere near the fires. We head for Sydney, Tasmania and Darwin but not until February. Hopefully, those bush fires wil be a thing if the past but not sure what to expect as NSW have had a very bad time of it. We also wish you a Merry Christmas and a great New Year. Xx

Ian and Irene Jameison said...

I suppose you good be right Mike, maybe we will keep the Nicholsons within easy reach. I was hoping to utilise the cubby hole in the engine room for other things and all I can say is we will see how we get on.

Jennie said...

Hi Irene and Ian, it sounds like an exciting time coming up for you both over the coming months - I look forward to the blogs! Like Mike, we too use Nicholson's in conjunction with Waterways Routes. I like the words (Pearson's wins hands down on that score!), plus I do ten to write notes in our Nicholson's on favourite moorings etc. Have a great Christmas and a fabulous trip down under. Jennie, Chris and Monty xx

Ian and Irene Jameison said...

Thanks, Jennie. We also send Christmas greetings to you all and hope you have a super New Year. Xxx

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