About Us

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In 1977 we hired our first narrowboat from Anglo Welsh at Market Harborough.From that moment our destiny was set. In 2006 we finally purchased our own brand new 57' narrowboat which we named 'Free Spirit'. Our aim is to travel the length and breadth of all the navigable rivers and canals of the UK. This will be our story as it unfolds.

Thursday, 24 May 2018

Getting closer

What a day. Started tame enough but soon became manic. Most of the Trades boats have arrived although we had heard one was stuck on the other side of Anchor bridge with a knackered starter motor. I think Dan the owner of Langley Mill boatyard may be able to help get him moving again.

Not sure how many other boats have arrived below the lock. I took this photo late morning and I know from what Ian has said that loads more had turned up this afternoon.  Only trouble is that only 15 boats are in their correct mooring so I can see Ian doing a lot of boat manoeuvring in the morning.

We also had another two historics take their place above the lock, Chertsey and Dove. Trout and Bath were already here. Then later this afternoon the last of the private boats went into ECP&DA basin. To get them in meant moving boats out of the way and through the swing bridge including James and Debbie on Lois Jane moored next to us. We had loads of help for this task and all boats were back on their respective moorings within an hour. No photos I'm afraid as both Ian and myself were on the two boats that needed poling across but we had quite a few gongoozlers watching and no doubt hoping one of us would end up hanging on for dear life on the end of the pole.

So more photos of the rally prep.

And this evicted from our boat,

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