Greylag geese |
Coots |
Swallow |
Wren |
Baby Bunnies. No bigger then my hand. ahhhhhhhh |
Cute or what! |
And of course those that will eat them, the Buzzard |
Thankfully all round the lake seats have been placed so some of the time I just sat and watched the birds and bees. Luckily for me one of the seats happened to be right where the baby bunnies came out to play and feed so I spent a good half hour just watching them. By the time I got back to FS Ian had removed the back hatch slide so he could treat and varnish the wood. I felt a bit guilty on leaving him to do this himself but..... then on the other hand........ He also happened to mention that I missed Nb Just the Job. (Sorry to have missed you.) I wasn't able to put a link to their blog 'cause I couldn't find it. So Paul and Glennis if you do read this, any chance on sending me your blog address? I can then add you to my list.
Ian's off to Morrisons in a bit for doughnuts. We just love Morrisons doughnuts, they are so much tastier then those in the other stores we have tried. Christine, Josh and Thomas are due to visit shortly and we must give them something to eat with the hot drinks. (no doubt Josh will go hyper with the sugar rush
Hi Irene, sorry we missed you , lovely pictures as usual, we haven't got a blog , thanks for the mention , but its Paul and Glennis not Gladys
I blame Ian for that!!! Sorry Glennis
I have amended my blog post. Xx
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