About Us

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In 1977 we hired our first narrowboat from Anglo Welsh at Market Harborough.From that moment our destiny was set. In 2006 we finally purchased our own brand new 57' narrowboat which we named 'Free Spirit'. Our aim is to travel the length and breadth of all the navigable rivers and canals of the UK. This will be our story as it unfolds.

Sunday 23 June 2024

Too many risks taken

 22nd June

The sun streamed through the window as the blinds were opened, what a perfect day for the start of summer. Shame it didnt last, clouded over very quickly and even had a spot or two of rain. Still today was more of a travelling day, nothing was planned other than drive. We were to head North to Balmoral Castle, our planned visit for tomorrow.

An accident was seen on route, on the A93 not far from Blairgowrie. It hadn't happened long, we first saw bikers slowing down then a car parked with hazard lights flashing. In the hedge and down a ditch was a car. We stopped, a lady was looking in the driver's door obviously talking to someone and a chap stood outside directing traffic. The question was asked if they needed help but the chap had already phoned for an ambulance. The A93 seemed to attract idiots, so many motorbikers, supercars, and those trike motorbikes, all travelling at speed and too impatient to hang back, plus the fact a cycle race was taking part, meant an accident was bound to happen. Right by a bend, we assumed he took it too fast and into the ditch he went. Too many risks were taken and several times vehicles tried to overtake us without a clear view ahead. We found it got worse the nearer to Glenshee we got. Twists and turns. wonderful scenery, motorbikers in their hundreds and I'm not exaggerating. Okay, the most in a long line were about 20 and all with a German plate. But they took unnecessary risks just to keep up with those in front. This road must be one of those favoured as a 'must do'. It does run through some stunning scenery, especially Glenshee and Cairnwell Pass.


Several possible places to overnight along the pass, some rejected, one found that would do but we had driven past. Having turned around and going down one of the 12% steep hills, a blooming sheep tried to run out in front. Already in low gear and engine screaming trying to stop MB speeding up, the brakes went on rather rapidly. Only a slight smell of burning brake pads and very glad that sheep headed back, cos it may have been touch and go!

We stopped near the Glenshee Ski Centre in a small layby. Yes, the road runs right by us but we feel confident that the vehicles will eventually stop coming past. Fingers crossed anyway!

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