About Us

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In 1977 we hired our first narrowboat from Anglo Welsh at Market Harborough.From that moment our destiny was set. In 2006 we finally purchased our own brand new 57' narrowboat which we named 'Free Spirit'. Our aim is to travel the length and breadth of all the navigable rivers and canals of the UK. This will be our story as it unfolds.

Monday 17 June 2024

Rain and more rain.

 Time flew by this weekend, Chris and Susan the perfect hosts. Tia, the cockerpoo, our very welcome doggie fix. Plenty of wine and beer drunk, the most delicious Lemon and Butter Salmon, new potatos with veg, devoured for dinner and an introduction to a game called Triominos (triangle dominos game) which was great fun and can be played with two to six players. Another game to possibly buy and keep in MB.  We also introduced them to Quiddler (see what you have started Marilyn) which was thoroughly enjoyed. Bed called about 11.30 pm, we had opted out of the offer to stay at their house, felt it silly to make extra work for Susan by changing bed linen just for one night, chose to head back to MB and slightly worse for wear, staggered outside and up the numerous steps to the top field where MB had been parked.

This morning we got up late, back down the steps to the house, had a full English brunch cooked by Sue, had lots of tea drinking before setting off and waving goodbye around 1.30ish. Destination Kielder Forest, initially for a stop to walk by the lake, but then the weather turned nasty so had a decision to make.

We decided to still make for Kielder but stop overnight instead of continuing to Alnwick Castle. (Harry Potter Hogwarts) Last time we stayed £10 was all it cost. Today £15 was handed over and this allowed us to stay until 10 am tomorrow.  Toilets were nearby if you want to brave the midges. This year, we had been told, they are very bad. We first went into the visitor center to purchase the parking permit, noticed a hut with live cameras pointed at the Ospreys nest over Kielder Water, and went inside for a look and natter.

 Just about to leave and boy did it rain! If nothing else it will help keep the midges away. With no sign of letting up, there was no option other than to leg it back to MB. Both of us got drenched and what a time to discover my waterproof cagoule was not waterproof!

The drive to the car park took no time at all, slightly sloping it took several attempts of trying to find a spot more level, we failed and had to use the blocks to raise the front. So far we are alone, a police car drove past sussing us out but deciding we were no threat, drove on past.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello, as you mentioned Ospreys we are following the ones at Loch Arkaig (who now have only 2) and at Poole Harbour where they are feeding 4 quite sucessfully.
It is interesting to read all about how they set up such a remote webcam at Loch Arkaig too.
Looking forward to your Alnwick blog, they have a nice cafe there!
Ann xx

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