About Us

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In 1977 we hired our first narrowboat from Anglo Welsh at Market Harborough.From that moment our destiny was set. In 2006 we finally purchased our own brand new 57' narrowboat which we named 'Free Spirit'. Our aim is to travel the length and breadth of all the navigable rivers and canals of the UK. This will be our story as it unfolds.

Monday 17 July 2023

Another of those panic moments

Sunday morning at Handsacre, no lie in for us as it was better to leave fairly early than late. It was all to do with finding a mooring at Rugeley. Having spent all Saturday afternoon and evening playing cards on Waka Huia, had a short interval in between for the delicious meal served up by Marilyn, seen the most vibrant rainbow early evening and the fact that on leaving their company around 9 ish we chose to watch another Harry Potter film on Netflix, I think we could very easily have overslept that morning.

Anyway we pulled pins before 9 am, Marilyn left a good 30 minutes before us. Water was their priority, with the tap being at..... One of the quirks of this waterway at the Plumb Pudding pub at Armitage is a narrow section that stretches for quite a way. Ian was sent ahead to check it out.

Looking back

The water point was at the far end of the long moorings but no sign of Waka Huia. Instead a long queue of boats could be seen Apparently both had abandoned the idea of stopping, deciding showers were overrated and stand up washes would do instead. 

Immediately after the water point was a VERY sharp right hand bend leading into a short tunnel. Ian had gone up the front to check if it was clear, I noticed a chap waiting to water up who appeared to be chatting to Ian, I was taking a photo totally oblivious as what was to come.


I positioned myself in the centre of the cut to take that bend when OMG...Sh*t and Sh*t again! The bow of a boat appeared! Talk about a panic moment. Hard into reverse, smoke pouring from the engine, tiller hard over with the  elbow pointing towards the bank and for once FS behaved impeccably. Back we went, the bow swung perfectly away from that other boat and collision was averted. I managed to stop right next to the towpath. Phew, talk about close. As I looked up to see where that boat was realised it had actually pulled over to the water point. Bugger, all that panic for nothing! Anyway most of those boaters waiting for water had seen all this unfolding. I shouted sorry for swearing and their reply was most complimentary. Said I made a decent job of a difficult situation and the swearing was understandable considering. I came away from that feeling very smug!

At Rugeley Marilyn and David found us a mooring perfect for the two boats. Shopping was done and a decision made not to move on. And what a good decision that was because the afternoon became very wet. In fact Ian and David had set off to Screw fix and not long after we had a deluge! With no coats I expected a soggy Ian to return. Thankfully a convenient doorway was at hand and although it must have looked very dodgy, what with two blokes loitering in a doorway, at least they had sense enough to duck in there to shelter.

More games came later and we were introduced to Up and Down the River. Even though I didn't really understand it I somehow won! Drinks served with the meal were non alcoholic and extremely nice they were too. Could make me into T Total...or .hmm, let's just think on that, maybe not!


Anonymous said...

Good choices, as Bottle Green do a lovely variety of fruity drinks.
Did you know you can buy their cordial too, then mix your own fizzy drinks by adding sparkling water.....or maybe alcohol!
Incidentally we used to pick the Elderflowers for that company which was local to us and get paid by weight. One year we made £100 btween us.
Well done you for anticipating what could have been a disaster, it always seems to happen when there are gongoozlers about too.
I must say that from the overgrowth of greenery growing uncontroled over the canalsides make things more difficult for navigation, also for mooring up.
I hope Marilyn didn't win at all those games you played!
Ann xx

Ian and Irene Jameison said...

Hi Ann, She won the next that evening, we introduced them to Mexican Train and she won that game too! Thanks for the tip, as I am now a big fan I will try out other varieties. Xxx

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