I am in no doubt that the older we are the more forgetful we get. Our little grey cells no longer function as they used to and consequently daft things are done. Just like this morning when Ian snapped the padlock shut on the back cabin doors and then realised the boat keys were still hanging up inside. His expression said it all, am I an idiot or what! So the dilemma was what to do. As this has happened once before several years ago the only solution was to knock the pins out holding the front doors and lift them off the hinges He was just about to walk to ECP&DA work shop to get a hole punch when I had a sudden thought. Had I actually remembered to bolt the front doors this morning? Only way to find out was for Ian to attempt to get back in through the cratch cover. No mean feat with Bath next to us and no foot hold as such. But the answer was yes I had forgotten to bolt the doors. Phew such a relief as no demolition work was needed after all. It seems that Ian wasn't the only one whose brain wasn't functioning properly. Must have had a fault with mine too!
Not so easy getting into the cratch with Bath next to us. |
Now the reason for leaving the boat this morning was to take a trip to Long Buckby. Along the GU on the Buckby flight of locks is a little shop called Anchor cottage and run by a lovely lady called Trisha. Not only does she sell canal ware but paints them too. In October 2010 we asked her to paint a large Buckby can in our boat colours. I didn't want traditional red roses and suggested blue instead. When we got the can I was thrilled and 2 years later ordered a second middle sized can. So on our journey back this October we purchased to large wooden planters and asked if she could paint these also in our colours. Last week she phoned to say they were ready and we arranged for collection today. Love the way she has done them and can just imagine my pink, white and orange begonias cascading over the sides. Roll on Spring!
I did that once, and after paying a locksmith £65 I bought a magnetic keyholder from ebay which I have hidden on the boat hull ,its saved us from being locked out twice since ,and getting that sinking feeling when you realize keys are inside. Paul and Glennis NB Just the Job
Hello Paul and Glennis, What a brilliant idea. Will look at ebay to see if they are still around. Thanks for the tip. Xx
More than fifty years ago, when I was nowt but a lad, my grandfather told me never to take the key out of a padlock until it was closed. Irritatingly simple rule, eh? I've never forgotten and hopefully you won't now. Thanks for all the fabulous photographs.
Hi Chris, You had one very wise Grandfather. Unfortunately we always keep the padlock unlocked in the back of the boat and then we just snap it shut without the key.(key attached with the boat keys) Maybe we should listen to your Grandfather words and keep the key in it! Xxx
Or you could get a disc-type padlock - the sort where the shackle rotates inside the housing - which needs the key to lock it. Like wot we've got on Jubilee.
This post is really interesting i really love to know more to know how to keep safe and secured. locksmith Paddington really help in lock out problem or key lost. Great job you'll done.
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