Ian Norma Dad & me
So...... Wednesday 6th, and here we are still at Sandiacre. We had a trip to Eastbourne during our stay, to see my Dad and step mum. The weather was good and being a Sunday had very little traffic to contend with. There was the usual M1 road works stretching for mile upon mile and the same applied to the M25 ( anti clock wise ) but we got there in the end. Took just under 4 hours. We stayed until Monday and then headed of to Milton Keynes to visit the family. The journey back took considerable longer!!!!!! Ian decided to fork left off of the A27 and then realised his mistake. Unfortunately there was no slip road to take us back onto the duel carriageway so we ended up heading for Brighton. That was a nightmare!! We had no map with us so all we could do was to keep going and hope for a signpost to take us back to the A27. Brighton was at a standstill ( or so it seemed ). Eventually after crawling at 1 mph for nearly an hour we found a sign for the M23/M25. At last we were on the right road. After 5 hours we finally arrived at our sons, and after a quick cup of tea set of back to Sandiacre. It had been a long day and I was ever so pleased to sit down with a nice glass of red wine!
Tuesday was the usual round of Doctors, blood tests and vets. Judy has been put on Metacam which I can start to give her in 10 days time. The other drugs have got to leave her system before she can go on it so I'm hoping that this drug will do the trick and she will act like a puppy again. Watch this space!!!
So today was just finishing jobs around our bungalow. Ian has painted the soffit boards and I have done a bit of gardening. Tomorrow we leave for Mercia Marina. Ian is of to Sweden for a week with his old firm and I'm on standby because no. 3 grandson is due any day and I will have to look after Oscar while Colin and Iwona are in hospital. Mad dash to Milton Keynes again!!! We thought it would be easier all round if we were in a marina and plugged into their electrics. If the "mad dash" is delayed then I'm going to blitz the boat and have a good spring clean.