About Us

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In 1977 we hired our first narrowboat from Anglo Welsh at Market Harborough.From that moment our destiny was set. In 2006 we finally purchased our own brand new 57' narrowboat which we named 'Free Spirit'. Our aim is to travel the length and breadth of all the navigable rivers and canals of the UK. This will be our story as it unfolds.

Saturday 29 July 2023

We say our final goodbyes.

 July 28th

 Breakfast was on Waka Huia. The last thing Marilyn said last night after Quiddler finished was come for breakfast, bring eggs!

Ed was arriving by 9 am so the plan was for us to be on Waka Huia for 8 am. Sourdough toast with baked beans and fried eggs were served almost immediately, lovely way to start the morning. Then just before Ed arrived we said our goodbyes, the inevitable photo of us all wearing our Aussie hats and then long hugs and sad farewells before setting off on FS.

Passing those moored boats Marilyn walked along beside us. Ah...she really didn't want us to leave, I thought, but then. "Just checking how long we can stay here for" said she reading the information board!

I was not looking forward to negotiating that roundabout in the centre of the cut, even the bridge 'ole had me a little nervous. Ian would never let me hear the end of it if I hit the sides again and this time obey the roundabout arrow!

I made a bet with myself, would that boat still be moored on the lift bridge landing? A chocolate biscuit if it was yes. I think I knew what the answer would be. And a most enjoyable club biscuit it was too.


Ian wanted me to pick him up further along the towpath but I refused. Nop, he would walk across the rear deck in the hopes someone would be on board. They weren't mores the pity!

 By Planet lock a pharmacy was just across the road. I wanted to get my toe checked out. It's gone a bit manky, very black and now infected. (I have just had the biggest telling off from Marilyn. I have made this sound as if the whole toe is black, gangrene was her worry, but it's just the nail. So apologies to everyone who may have been concerned especially Marilyn Xx ) The pharmacist took one look and said I must go to a walk in centre. Only trouble with that, it's a good taxi ride away at Burslem! I'm not the best at directions that's one of the reasons Ian always comes with me and I had visions of getting to the centre and not finding another taxi to take me back or worse, getting completely lost. So Ian looked up another alternative for me. At Stone, he phoned a doctor surgery who was willing to place me on their books as a temporary resident. I am to arrive sometime on Monday for registration. So that's the plan now. We proceeded down Planet Lock, first having to deal with a floating sofa behind the lock gate.

We stopped briefly at Etruria facilities before rejoining the T&M. With no mooring before the junction the only other place available was on the T&M towpath. Why we didn't turn toward the lock and then reverse up to, well we must have had brain failure! Now we face the wrong way!

And seen at the junction


Marilyn, nb Waka Huia said...

Don't you dare renege on that doctor's visit on Monday - black flesh is gangrenous** and you could end up having the toe amputated. If you leave it. it'll be your foot that is lopped off.

I know I offered amputation a few days ago, but FFS, Irene, this is SERIOUS!!!

And next time, make friends with the taxi driver, offer to pay a few more quid and ask if they will wait for you - when I had a UTI a few years ago in Atherstone, the taxi driver took me to Nuneaton to George Eliot Hospital, waited for me and drove me back - and we had a great conversation on the way back about why men don't often get UTIs and why women do ...

** Gangrene doesn't hurt, because the flesh has no living nerve endings and no blood flow.

Your very anxious friend, Marilyn

Ian and Irene Jameison said...

I have been well and truly told off! A phone call just now from Marilyn gave me such a hard time about not seeing a doctor sooner. The description in my blog was misleading as it sounded like the whole toe was black which could suggest the possibility of Gangrene. In fact, it's the nail that is black, not the toe! Dried blood from an injury back in May earlier this year and I still don't know how it happened! Anyway, apologies to Marilyn and all that may have felt some concern. Rest assured amputation is not necessary! Xxx

Marilyn, nb Waka Huia said...

Mmm, I am sort of disappointed amputation isn't necessary - I have disinfected, sterilised and sharpened the loppers and now that is shown to be wasted effort, dammit!

I have seen photographic evidence that it's only under the nail that is black. So I am reassured. But, readers, I was about to get in a cab and frogmarch her to an after hours centre!


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