About Us

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In 1977 we hired our first narrowboat from Anglo Welsh at Market Harborough.From that moment our destiny was set. In 2006 we finally purchased our own brand new 57' narrowboat which we named 'Free Spirit'. Our aim is to travel the length and breadth of all the navigable rivers and canals of the UK. This will be our story as it unfolds.

Tuesday 14 May 2024

A day of hunkering down.


 Rain and wind, from 2 am onwards MB was buffeted, and we had a very annoying howling sound coming from somewhere. I thought it was the skylight, it does that occasionally if we are facing directly into the wind, Ian got up to check, nop not from there, Ear to windows and even into the bathroom until he tracked down the noise coming from the door, ah...it wasn't closed properly!  Ian was the last in due to changing the cassette after the full light came on. It was quite late in the evening, so I suppose he can be let off.  Anyway it took an age for us to drop off again, the wind seemed to be getting stronger and honestly, the things that go through one's mind when there is nothing to occupy it.  'Will the van be blown over?'  was all I kept thinking about. This airfield is so very open and exposed, and as the gusts were hitting MB side on, felt justified in my thoughts. 

Still the rain lashed MB as we stirred, and opening the blinds, it was to see those poor sheep with no shelter all with their backs into the wind.

  We will be returning early to Langley Mill, probably in a couple of days time, not just because the weather all this week is set to be abysmal, but several things need addressing with MB before we head North for the epic 2-month getaway in June and last night was the final straw when Ian went to get a few tools out from under the bed so he could have another look at the sergeant unit, and the hinge holding the struts in place broke!  So things that need sorting.

  • Bed (obviously)
  • Solar panel charger for the starter battery not working
  • Occasional problems with starting MB
  • Microwave
  • Try to straighten the skirt where Ian hit the mound of earth.
  • Fix the fresh water pipe underneath (it got dragged off when Ian went over a boulder and is now held on with tape)
Today has been a wash-out, nothing much to do in this atrocious weather, so a paid site was found with a washing machine. The afternoon was spent doing 'not a lot', we were on electric, so all down to TV catch up. Tomorrow Ian's brother Alan is coming to take us to see his log cabin, It's near to Bude and not far from this site. Having a look at another HH house was mentioned, Pencarrow House and Gardens near to Bodmin. Hope the weather is better than today, 

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