About Us

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In 1977 we hired our first narrowboat from Anglo Welsh at Market Harborough.From that moment our destiny was set. In 2006 we finally purchased our own brand new 57' narrowboat which we named 'Free Spirit'. Our aim is to travel the length and breadth of all the navigable rivers and canals of the UK. This will be our story as it unfolds.

Thursday 25 May 2023

Not long to go

 A lot of toing and froing today. Started off last night when I suddenly had a thought about poo! Strange I know but several boaters have pets with them and I suddenly realised we had no doggie-do bags to go in the boaters packs.The plan was to start filling the bags first thing this morning so I left my bed early to walk to Asda just to get a poop a scoop pack. Thought them good value too, 150 bags for 80p. 

By a tad after 9 am Heather, Margaret, Jenn and I started the mammoth task of preparing the 65 boaters packs. So much stuff to put in we got ourselves a good production line going. Of course some things got forgotten and left in the cottage (black rubbish bags, rally plaques and raffle tickets) and I found myself walking backwards and forwards from the toll house to the cottage on a regular basis. Definitely got my steps in today! By midday, we had all but finished, just the caravan and motorhomers bags to do.

Ian was in great demand. Three caps were his to wear, electrician, plumber and assistant harbourmaster. How he managed to do all three without having a meltdown was a miracle. That man of mine is amazing. As for my part this afternoon, I had the task of walking around the site taking photos. The easiest of jobs although I do think that pointing a camera in some of the faces of those working really hard must have been annoying, Still we need a record and plenty of photos for our magazine the Outlook so they just had to put up with it.

Building steps for the stage


The Portaloos arrived this afternoon. Didn't take long for the public wandering around to make use of them.Thankfully they will be serviced every day during the rally.

Loads of boats have arrived, all have moorings and the Great Northern Basin is now completely full. Talk about a jigsaw to get them all in. Never knew so many could fit.

Below lock moorings.
Last day of prep tomorrow, so far everything has gone to plan so confident that by Saturday 10 am the rally site will be ready to welcome the public.

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