So many revellers on the water last night. Felt sure we would get to see a few taking a dive. Most amusing though were these girls on a birthday outing. Unaware of the narrowboat approaching until I happened to say they would be better off letting it pass. Most amusing watching the antics.
Something banged on the cabin side not long after we had retired for the night. Never seen Ian shoot out of bed so fast! Naked as the day he was born and I have no idea what he would have done if someone had been outside doing damage. Probably frightened the blighter by this white apparition emerging with nothing on! Anyway, not a soul to be seen so completely at loss as to what caused it.
By the Beefeater. |
That low bridge had to be got through again but no qualms this time about doing it today. We even left the Omni aerial on although mummy duck, being the tallest, was removed.
Loads of room. Blue head of daddy duck and I think mummy could have stayed too. |
Guildford was our first destination. Rather fancied a Wetherspoons big breakfast and very nice it was too. But on leaving the mooring it was here that we encountered canoeists after canoeist. Totally unaware that we were coming up behind. It was slow to tick over until we reached the Wey kayak rowing club, nearly a mile. And even more canoeists passed us as we were going that slow but with so many bends we could do little else.
The girl on the left (yellow oars) was a novice and just around this bend ended up in the water. |
At Stoke lock we were joined by a hire boat and stayed with them until they stopped at the pub in Cartbridge. I was worried at one point when they failed to turn a very sharp right-hand bend with the weir in front and ploughed into the bank. Being hirers they just laughed it off but I wonder how much crockery got smashed.
And seen on route,
Hows that for propulsion on a narrowboat. |
Steam launch |
A hire boat with pin pulled and adrift. |
Someone didn't look when deciding to wind. This kayaker had to put the brakes on pretty sharp. |
And seen today (one very happy lady again)
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