About Us

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In 1977 we hired our first narrowboat from Anglo Welsh at Market Harborough.From that moment our destiny was set. In 2006 we finally purchased our own brand new 57' narrowboat which we named 'Free Spirit'. Our aim is to travel the length and breadth of all the navigable rivers and canals of the UK. This will be our story as it unfolds.

Monday 27 November 2023

Narrowboat indicators?

 Sunday 26th (yesterday)

 Getting diesel was the objective of today, and not far from the Morrison moorings was Shobnall marina. It's a bit tricky to get to the pump as a reverse is required and the entrance the width of a single lock, Worth doing for the price of £1.10 a litre. Our friends Fred and Lisa came over for a quick chat, they moor at this small marina, and we try to never go by without saying hello.

Busy place, Another boat reversing in to take advantage of the low diesel prices.

 Heading toward Shobnall Fields, a boat travelling erratically was seen approaching, and then a strange thing happened. Lights set into his bow flashed, like indicators, and toward the towpath. Okay, he's coming in to moor but no, I passed on the wrong side as he shouted that he was pulling in to let me pass! What??? No, said I, that is not how it works. As newbies, they were trying to be helpful, so I explained the procedure, and they went on their way, knowing a little more about which side of the canal they must stay on. I did wonder about those indicator lights and wondered if they might be a good idea for all boats to have them.  What do you think on that idea?

Shobnall Fields

Dallow lane lock, the very last single width lock we will be doing this trip. From now on, those horrible doubles will be our plight. None are easy, the gates extremely heavy and some a pig to fill. But thankfully none to do today.


We cruised past Willington, spaces were available, and we could have stopped, but the railway runs within spitting distance of the moorings.  Our preferred mooring was and always has been, by Mercia Marina just past the footbridge. The trains are not quite so noisy here.

Marina entrance

Oh dear, hope this boat is not on the way to sinking!

Pennywort. A horrible invasive water plant that can take over waterways.

And wildlife


Dave Ward said...

"I did wonder about those indicator lights and wondered if they might be a good idea for all boats to have them"

Well, they serve little purpose on the majority of cars, so I doubt it would make any difference on the water!

Ian and Irene Jameison said...

That made me laugh, Dave. Yes, you could well be right.

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