.......when the mad exodus from the Great Northern Basin usually occurs. The Sandiacre Pie and Pea weekend marks the start of the boaters leaving for their summer cruise. But this year it's slightly different as the Golden Anniversary of the formation of ECP&DA and 45th Anniversary of the opening of the Great Northern Basin are both being celebrated during May bank holiday. As most of the basin moorers have booked in for this momentous rally, making the 8 miles, 11 lock journey there and then back again seemed a bit pointless so only a meagre 5 boats are going to be travelling down the Erewash to Sandiacre.
Of course, we are one of those 5 as our plan was to head off to Birmingham next week for the BCN Spring Cruise. Unfortunately, hospital appointments have scuppered that little jaunt but having sat at Langley for 5 months, we decided a change of view would be most welcome.
Pairing up with us were Carole and Mick on Electra. Ian had cycled back from Sandiacre on my bike yesterday after taking our car to the Bungalow and noticed every lock would be with us. (Yes I am the proud owner of a bike bought on eBay a week ago. Not having ridden a bike for 30 years or more Ian decided I was a liability to myself and other towpath users if I tried to do the distance. He had visions of me wobbling all over the place and even falling in! Anyway, he made the journey without mishap, ringing his bell and stopping when he met dogs and walkers, something that all cyclist should do! (we hate those speeding cyclist who have no regard for anyone other than themselves!) His only complaint on arrival back to FS was a sore bottom, due in part to a very uncomfortable saddle.
Electra reversing out of the Basin |
Swing Bridge can be a right pig at times and needs a lot of effort to get it moving! |
Anchor Bridge one of the lowest on the Erewash |
The journey took under 4 1/2 hours, a record for us, although we would have done it sooner if I hadnt got FS well and truly stuck after dropping Ian off before a lock. We had to borrow a pole from Electra so he could push me off as stupidly our roof furniture had been left at Sandiacre for painting when we first came back in October last year.
I know...I know...what a stupid place to try and get Ian off! Serves me right by getting stuck! |
Looking forward to the weekend now and no doubt more photos will be posted by 'moi' after the event.
Moored at Sandiacre |
And a surprise sighting today of a Red Kite. Had no idea they were this far north.
Plenty of Buzzards though. |
During the snows, a Dunnock came to visit. |